Seeing Our Own Situation Clearly

This teaching was Rinpoche’s farewell instructions to the Osel Nyingpo sangha in Ojai, California, at the end of his visit there in January, 2010.

He advises us each to see our own situation clearly on all levels–from our ultimate nature as the essence of clear light to our relative deluded circumstances as individual beings with specific bad habits to remedy–and kindly instructs us in how to conduct ourselves and support each other as a dharma family in order to make the best of each situation on our path.


Part 1: Our Essence of Clear Light


Part 2: Covering Our Three Jewel Nature


Part 3: Discovering Our Buddhanature


Part 4: The Chance to Recognize Our Own Face as Buddha


Part 5: Being Willing to Examine Our Own Situation


Part 6: Letting Go of the Five Poisons


Part 7: We Are All the Same Sangha Family


Part 8: One Flower Garden of Enlightened Body, Speech, and Mind


Part 9: Knowing How to Work Together


Part 10: Being Willing to Face Your Faults


Part 11: Bringing Benefit in Any Role
