Your financial offerings are essential to the continuation of Vimala’s activities. Vimala rejoices in your generosity and welcomes you to join Vimala’s efforts to preserve the precious Dharma for generations to come. Any donation you make, whether large of small, is meaningful, creating positive connections with Buddha’s enlightened intent to alleviate the suffering of all beings. Thank you for joining Vimala’s work by making an offering.
Three ways you can help ensure Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche’s wisdom intentions are fulfilled:
(1) Donate:
Your financial contribution to Vimala will fund the transcription of oral teachings, translation of new texts and practices, the timely preservation and digitization of older archive materials before they deteriorate—some going back 30 years or more!—including sound files, photos, and other materials from great masters such as His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, and Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche, and many other projects! The retranslation of outdated practice texts, including some of our most extensive and most frequently printed, is also currently underway. As Vimala is a 501(c)3 corporation, all donations are tax-deductible (EIN 20-8776753).
Credit card
or Paypal
Make checks out to Vimala and mail to:
P.O. Box 213
Ashland, OR 97520
(2) Use and Share our Free Materials!
By making use of our free materials, you are helping to spread the dharma, increasing its presence in this world—on your computer, through your printer, in email, or messaging if you share it with friends, and so on. Please let others know that these resources are available, if you know anyone who might have interest or find them beneficial!
Most importantly, however, hopefully the dharma will spread in the most profound way as well: as the blossoming of your own benefit and understanding through bringing the blessings of dharma offered here into your mind and heart. Nothing delights us more than knowing that the materials under our care are being of real benefit to students and practitioners! This is the very reason for Vimala’s existence—thank you to all who allow us to accomplish our purpose in this way, fulfilling the altruistic intention and aspiration on which Vimala was founded!
(3) Make a Purchase at our online Dharma Shop
Our Online Dharma Shop or at our Bookstore at Tashi Chöling
When you purchase items from Vimala, you are sponsoring our ongoing projects to sustain and increase the presence of the dharma in this world. Rather than seeing ourselves as a retail business with customers, we see ourselves as keepers of the precious dharma in our archives, making them available to students and practitioners who, in turn, are contributing to the funds that sustain it. Every ‘sale’ is thus an auspicious interdependent connection between Vimala fulfilling Gyatrul Rinpoche’s intention to preserve this dharma, and the students who are both benefitting from and supporting this treasury of precious materials. Thank you for taking part in this auspicious connection—may it bring peace and benefit for all beings!
(A COVID-19 note, hopefully temporary, about our Bookstore located at Tashi Chöling: The physical store is presently closed, as is Tashi Chöling itself, due to the ongoing pandemic. We will reopen the Bookstore when Tashi Chöling reopens, which we pray will be very soon, as conditions allow. In the meantime, we invite you to visit our Online Dharma Shop.)
Vimala is the Fulfillment of Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche’s Wish to Preserve and Disseminate the Dharma
Vimala is the fulfillment of Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche’s wish that the teachings, transmissions, and practices that take place at his various dharma centers be recorded, preserved, and made available so that students might make use of them, bring the meaning of the precious dharma into their hearts, and realize it fully. When people are serving and connecting with the dharma in any of these ways, they are allowing Vimala to fulfill its purpose and they are participating in its activity. Thank you to all who support and participate in any way: Joining your energy with our activities and Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche’s intention makes Vimala’s continued existence meaningful and supports the blossoming of the dharma in our world.
Other Forms of Giving:
- Automatic Monthly Contribution – Authorize automatic withdrawal from your account on a monthly basis
- Memorial and Named Gifts – Honor a family member, loved one or friend by donating in their name.
- Matching Gifts – Encourage your employer to add Vimala to their corporate matching gifts program, effectively doubling the size of your donations.
- Designated Gifts – Create a donor-advised fund to support a specific need.
- Planned Giving – Support Vimala programs through bequests, charitable remainder trusts and gift annuities and maximize personal objectives while minimizing after-tax costs.
- Stock Donations
If you are interested in offering in any of these ways, please send an email to and one of our board members will contact you. Thank you!