Study Sessions with Ila Reitz

Video Streaming

Tsog Study Group with Ila Reitz at Orgyen Dorje Den, Spring 2017:

This series of 4 sessions includes a general discussion of sadhana practice and the Tibetan treasure tradition, an overview of the stages of the practice, tips for making the most of these gatherings, how these practices are vital for maintaining our buddhist vows and commitments, and more!

Each session is a little over 2 hours in length, and you can view them when and as you are able. Please consider viewing the entire program, if possible, for a more complete experience.

Click Here: YouTube Playlist – Practice Commentary – Video

Audio Downloads

Study Session with Ila Reitz at Tashi Choling, April 2019:

Group Practice at Tashi Choling: What are We Doing?

At Tashi Choling, we do tsog practice four times a month as well as two or more annual 10-day retreats. All of these follow the traditional generation stage sadhana practice approach. This discussion explores the intention and significance of these rituals and how to connect meaningfully with them.

Download MP3 (27 MB): Tsog Study Session – Practice Commentary – Audio