The Sacred Sea Burial of Venerable Gyatrul Dhomang Rinpoche
On May 30th, 2023, the sacred body of Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche was offered into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Santa Cruz. Thanks to everyone who participated in-person or from afar in this momentous event! We would like to offer the below materials about the Sea Burial, in remembrance of our precious teacher.
The Story of the Sea Burial
Recollections of a Sea Burial is a collective account of how the sea burial unfolded, bringing together observations and comments from a number of participants present at the various stages of the ceremony. It is meant to be an informal, intimate account of the perceptions of the group on that magical day. We hope it will feel like you are sitting with all of us over cups of tea, everyone taking turns telling different aspects of the story. There are two versions of the PDF: one is copiously illustrated with color photos throughout, the other is a text-only version for easy printing.
Drone Video of Sea Burial: Stunning aerial images of Sea Burial Day
Video of Sea Burial: On The Boat
Watch Video of Procession and Sea Burial, provided by Viewologies HERE
or click image below